What is it the far right really have against the Democrats? After extensive time at the Rush Limbaugh Institute, Sean Hannity’s Wreck, Glenn Beck’s wanna be a frat boy until I die show, and even the esteemed lawyer who needs an indoor voice Michael Levine, and a ton of uncensored GOP lawmakers words, I have come up with a few suggestions. From what I can tell freedoms that are made too accessible for outside groups is a big bone with the GOP.
Think about it The Gay agenda. How dare they have an agenda. Agendas are for white heterosexual males only. So what they do is they make gay rights into a nefarious agenda. They are after your children, they want bestiality, they are always recruiting (as we learn from Ellen Degeneres, which is why so many gay folks have toasters). The dreamers are out to take advantage of our great country. They do not play by the rules. Why do they advocate for their families to be included in an immigration bill. Everyone knows that we would all love to be away from our mothers, fathers, and siblings. The attitude of many conservatives of acting like this is not a normal and even a nefarious wish is strange coming from a party that supposedly promotes family values. Women who want birth control to be included like Viagra for men in insurance policies are called sluts. All they want is to have more control of their sexual lives just like the men who want no hindrances to their sexual lives. I am for the men having Viagra and control their bodies until their control moves from their bodies to women’s bodies. ‘Abortions should not be allowed because women who want them are loose’ the far right says. But if that is the case why are the far right for no exceptions for rape, incest, and the mother’s health. They say it is about respect for life but even though we now know the death penalty executes many innocent people yet they remain firmly for it. We also know they want a decrease in support for funding for programs for poor children. It is fear the makes many people uncharitable, one such fear is being afraid to be taken. Other countries treat us like chumps, the one percent pay all the taxes while the poor stay on the public dole. They refuse to do good because what if they are taking advantage of us. Thinking such listen to how they describe the poor Ronald Reagan’s welfare queens, illegal aliens, or the leeches on society. We are afraid of being taken by people different from us white folks. Although there are more whites in welfare programs the usual image created by GOPers is not white. In fact if you think about it the only people who are described as taking advantage of the immigration system by the right are all non-Europeans. To me it is telling that conservative whites project so much of their own history unto other ethnic groups. Historically it is the Native Americans, Mexicans, Asians, and Africans, who were abused by the white powers of a growing America. So it is the projection or the conservative right we see in their attitudes toward the poor. It is the white nightmare created by a justifiable guilt of an American white history where they have taken advantages of other groups in America to prosper and grow. They are now afraid as these groups gain power that as one person said their chickens may be coming home to roost. So sadly the far right has the same problems the Germans had with the Jews, the Israelites had with the Samaritans, white South Africans had with the Africans. It is about which group will be in charge. We have few good models in our history with sharing power not only in our history but in our world. So the limiting of freedoms and justice to other groups is their go to mode to prevent the unknown of what a sharing of power would look like. Maybe we should find models of how to share power before we destroy the very fabric of our society.
The government is shut down. And what does Trump do: says we cannot get a deal with you so I call you obstructionist losers. Now that is how the art of the deal is done. I have always been taught that name calling is a deal breaker. When you are ready for a fight and want to provoke a fight call the other person some name and let it begin. Of course we live in different times now. So what do I know?
The government is shut down. But do not worry, the ones who caused the shutdown continue to get paid. Our military, mail carriers, and other government employees will not receive their paychecks but Congress, who are mostly millionaires, will be paid during the shutdown. That is like if you went in a store, broke something and demanded the cashier not get paid. This seems unreasonable. Of course we live in different times now. So what do I know? The government is shut down. Of course the far right, who think the government is too big anyway, do not really care if the government is shut down. For them it demonstrates that we can get along without government. Of course it is like in the Great Depression when people did their best to make do. They had no money, homes went into foreclosure, and bread lines were endless. At least that was the way it was for the poor and middle class. The wealthy: they let go a member of their household staff. This does not seem fair. Of course we live in different times now. So what do I know? The government is shut down. It once was that we did not want the elderly to spend their last days in worry over money and healthcare. This seemed like a normal thing in the richest country in the world. Social Security and Medicare payments will be cut off and delayed until the government starts back up. Of course we live in different times now. So what do I know? The government is shut down. Trump does not even get the symbolism that one year from the anniversary of his inauguration the government is shut down. In fact something that has become another meme, his trips to Mar a Largo, was planned even though the government was threatened with shutdown. In what was a nod to old times and because of immense pressure he decided to stay until a deal is made to open the government back up. This from a man who promised if he was elected President he would never leave the White House because he would be working so hard making America Great Again. There is something wrong with this picture. Of course we live in different times now. So what do I know? The government is shut down. Why? The Republicans wanted money for a wall that the Mexican government was going to pay for in the first place. Oh yeah the President also did not want the tired and hungry from shithole countries in Africa coming here was another factor. Give us some Norwegians please. I guess this is keeping it classy. Of course it is; we live in different times now. So what do I know? Forcing a government to pay for our wall is imperialistic. Only wanting a certain class of people in our country is classist. Not caring for the least of these is not Christian. Stereotyping all countries from Africa as being poor and uneducated is racist. So if we put this altogether we currently have an imperialistic, classist, racist government that just shut itself down. Now that I think about it, that is a good idea. Of course we live in different times now; maybe Trump is a righteous man. Trump is the Id for the Republican Congress. Trump is what their Mr. Hyde would be if they could unleash their dark side. That is why when people ask, ‘Why would a distinguished congressman submit to Trump’ the answer is because they rejoice in his expression of their Id. The GOP and the far right have joined hands and now have a voice in the highest office in our country that says whatever it feels.
Trump is their Id. He is an uncoordinated instinctual creature that knows no judgments of value. To quote: ‘The mind of a newborn child is regarded as completely "id-ridden," in the sense that it is a mass of instinctive drives and impulses, and needs immediate satisfaction.’ This is Trump. Yet this Id never leaves any of us totally. It creeps around in our lowest selves trying to assert itself. Racism, nationalism, classism, sexism find their home in the Id. Trump has unleashed the Id of America and the admiring McConnells and others are living vicariously through him. The GOP can keep their Hydes undetected and watch as Trump gives it full visibility without lifting a finger. So this is why the Neo-Nazis are good people, Africans live in huts, Haitians all have AIDS, all Mexican immigrants are criminals, pussies are to be grabbed, and we do not want people from shithole countries coming here. And really there are few GOPers who would have a problem with those words and many secretly wish they could say these words. The GOP is now the silent minority. They keep their mouths shut and let their Id in the White House speak for them and if it gets too hot to handle they have the right to condemn his language and thinking too. We as a society need to look long and hard at our dark side. We need to know who we can become if we are not vigilant. The problem with the darkness is we can develop a certain appetite for it. It can take over our Jekyll. This is what people mean when they say we cannot normalize this presidency. We must treat it as aberrant and abhorrent to our sensibilities. Maybe we should play a game of beer pong that we give to a worthy cause every time Trump says something sexist and racist. These donations can be called soul offsets. This might allow us to live in the time of Trump and not lose our soul. One day things will return to normal and hopefully we will not have lost our normal. But be careful: Mr. Hyde wants out. Or maybe our Hyde is already exposed. What is it you know when you have had a good education? You know you do not know anything. A good education humbles you before the truth of all there is to know. Now certainly most graduates of college think they have conquered the world of knowledge. And many will never read much again, convinced they know enough.
They are what I call the seat fillers in college. They came not to be challenged or learn. They want information that already confirms their preconceived ideas. They are destined to hold back society’s forward push. They learn as little as possible so that they are not compromised by knowledge. They will be the same folks who will proclaim climate change is not real and evolution is only a theory and not accepted by nearly ninety-nine percent of scientists. In today’s back and forth there is almost bias against education and science. Why the bias? In part because college is accessible to everyone. People who were never given a chance or are sometimes looked down upon by people who have an ‘education’ have a tendency to resent those with. And they are especially incensed when their opinions are not valued because of something they had no control over. Universalize education, and resentment and respect might come back. But the truth is college is a gateway to knowledge. It is not the only gateway. The truth is an education can give you an edge in your thinking. But if you have not read since college your knowledge is limited. You were at the door but you have not gone far inside of it. This is where the ground is level especially if you have a good library nearby. And today internet offers a chance at knowledge. But if you stay with Fox News or other sites that make you comfortable you are the equivalent of a seat filler in college. All this knowledge surrounds you but you flock to what makes you comfortable. There are so many ways to learn besides college. Museums, lectures, travel, scholarly magazines, and so forth. It does not necessarily take a college education. But all of life’s teachings always depend on the willingness to be a student, to be wrong, and to be open to the truth with an open heart and mind. My motto is “question everything but be willing to accept anything.” By which I mean I never take anyone’s word including my own. I am willing to let anybody teach and that includes those with whom I disagree. But you have to convince me with facts and love. If you are talking about poverty and have no empathetic feelings toward the poor I will not be convinced of your arguments. I believe there is an intelligence in love that often supersedes facts. I believe if you do not love you cannot know. Likewise if you cannot listen to others you cannot be smart. There is a way to gain intelligence of all kinds to the open and listening heart [awkward]. The full mind and heart leave no room for anymore intelligence. I do not believe in the Hannitys, and Becks, and Limbaughs because they could not finish college, but because they also break the rule of nonviolent language. They talk people down to lift their ideas. They start institutes and colleges because they value the education they do not have. So their problem with education is it did not give them permission to always be right. So they reject academia. They cannot stand for criticism. So they have disconnect buttons on their shows and in their lives for unacceptable callers. I do not agree with them in part because they are not honest when they act as though they are one of us when in fact they have multimillion dollars and live in gated communities. But I digress: if we cannot listen to others, if we are anxious to always hush them or are thinking or what our reply will be while they talk, we will not learn. Listening is the key to intelligence. If we feel hate in our hearts and not inherent worth and dignity for the person in front of you, you will never be smart. This is the crux of the matter. When our society creates such a polarized world, we are dumbing ourselves down. When we develop philosophies that show no respect for the other, we are dumbing ourselves down. When our actions lead to a philosophy of survival of the fittest or one group of people as privileged over another, we are dumbing ourselves down. So this is my New Year’s Resolution: to live intelligently. This may make me confront the comfortable, love the unlovely, learn from the unwise, and enjoy someone else’s perspective but I will have grown in spirit and mind. |
September 2022
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