Jesus said,” You must win at any cost. Because you are right.” Trump the religious prophet declared in his campaign rallies,”. That we are going to win so much you are going to be sick of it.” So the faithful doing their duty overlooking everything but winning voted for Trump. And, so long as, he helps them to win in their appointment of judges the faithful will stand with him. Because as Jesus said from the cross winning is everything. It is stupid to sacrifice or do the right thing unless you know in the end you are going to win. There should be no Good Fridays unless you are assured there is an Easter. The gospel of prosperity where God will deliver good things to you if you are faithful is living. The gospel of sacrifice has died on the cross in America. That is why we are so divided as a nation. If you are about winning everyone is viewed as an opponent. The idea of community is only with those who are on your side or can help you win. The class divide is in part a return on the concept that you only befriend those who can help you. Winning, actually, is not the most important thing. Standing up for right, community, compromising so that progress can be made, learning, are some of the things that are more important. The biblical verse what does it matter if you ‘win’ the whole world but lose your soul’ and Miguel de Unamuno the Spanish philosopher said,’ winning is such a small thing’ are getting at this. We have the wrong way of looking at winning. Maybe it is not who has the most money or things, who is the most popular, or who Is the most powerful but who is the truest to self, who builds up others, who builds community etc. defines winning and winners.
September 2022
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