The far right likes to toss the word snowflake around a lot when referring to the left. I find this humorous. Their great leader is the greatest snowflake in the history of the united states. Is there a negative comment from anyone that does not upset him and he ignored? The answer to that is no. recently one of my Trumpite friends was unfriended because someone did not like an article they posted on line. They in turn acted as though they were deeply hurt or offended. His Trumpite friends all chimed in how much of a snowflake this ex-friend was. The level of hurt amazed me. No offense to my Facebook friends but if you unfriend me you would probably get an eye roll from me and I would continue with my day. And I like to obsess on things. Now this may sound like I do not like people, but the truth is I respect them enough to think they have the right to do that without my approbation and I respect myself enough to move on and not feel like my whole being was attacked. Ultimately the truth is the Trumpites have already shown they do not care for people other than themselves. Why else would you vote for a New York billionaire with three marriages and a gold toilet seat to solve your problems. They wanted to do damage to people not like themselves. Now that their ‘great defender’ is in a lot of trouble and may be indicted or impeached for various crimes, they are looking to do as much harm to as many people as possible who are not like them. Thus, they attack women’s rights with abortion restrictions. of course, they use pseudo-science to argue their case. (Adam Rogers science 05.14.19 06:00 am 'heartbeat' bills get the science of fetal heartbeats all wrong) After all these are some of the same people who reject evolution and climate change with great sanctimony. They claim they are about family values while separating children from their families at the border and failing to keep records so they could reunite the families. They are challenging gay rights because of their self-deluded religious beliefs. They are at arms and must hurt people they do not like and strangely its everyone not like them. I fall in that group of people whose views they would not like. I am not saying we would not agree on some things. But there would be differences and that is okay with me. But such vitriol must be constantly responded to. You cannot let those who are pushing views that harm your friends and yourself to not be countered. and there really is no compromising with them when they are currently blinded with fear and hate. They would deny they are hateful or fearful but the way they are currently acting decries this. If you feel you must push the right to carry a gun into a church you are fearful. If you insist for your security you must erect a huge wall at your border you are fearful. If you feel you only need a southern border wall and not a northern border wall you are hateful. If you want to make a ban on Muslims from your country, you are fearful and hateful. If you view the world as always a zero sum place it will make you fearful and hateful. The list could go on indefinitely. When we lose our comfortability to explore other ideas or cultures it is a sign we are snowflakes. When our arguments are defending self and not our idea (i.e, I am not a racist) you are a snowflake. When you attack liberal academia but have things such as the Limbaugh institute, that playfully or not mimic academia you are probably a snowflake. When you have to disguise your bills with false science such as the heartbeat bill you are probably a snowflake. Finally (although i could give many more examples), when you are a bishop of the catholic church and tell families to not take their children to the pride march because harm might come to them, you are not necessarily a snowflake but you are a dangerous and hateful hypocrite. One can only hope your hate will melt away. When that happens hopefully the profound love of Christ will replace the hate. As Christ once said perfect love will cast out all fear.
September 2022
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