Why do some people insist that others follow some moral code as they believe? Because they need validity in having others follow their way of thinking. Their spiritual/moral egos are so fragile unless others pay heed to their moral code, they feel threatened. In reality if you do not believe in homosexuality, it is easy to avoid dealing with gay presence. But you say it permeates the culture. So does meat eating but I manage as a vegetarian to deal with it. And yes sometimes it is challenging but if I believe in vegetarianism I deal with it. There is an ethical question that occurs about morality. It goes like this: if I never face temptation can I be truly called moral? In other words if you have a lifestyle that is never challenged by temptations or made hard have you really made a moral choice? Is the choice merely something you grew up doing? If I have never cheated in my marriage but have never had an occasion when an affair was possible can I really say I am faithful husband? The fact is you do not know because you have not had the opportunity to cheat. So when people demand that there be laws legislating morality it makes me wonder is it because they fear on some level if the opportunity occurs they will not be faithful to their morality. Just a thought. Another reason for demanding others follow your moral code is you have a penchant to want to control events, people and things. This is what is known as the God syndrome. Now God has given us free will and choice but you somehow think this was a mistake. You believe you can out God God. So you desire to take free will out of the question so you can create a better world. We all know this free will thing was a mistake and you aim to fix that. You are uncomfortable with the separation of church and state. Because in a democratic state the government tries to involve itself as little as possible in the affairs of humans. But in a church state you can condemn personal actions of others and punish them for these actions. A church state is very interested in involving itself into the affairs of its citizens. The final reason I will address today is the so called love factor. I love the offending moral lapser so much I am willing to inflict emotional, spiritual, legal, and even physical pain on them to help them live a moral life. But of course the fear of punishment does not make them moral. It makes them scared. Another ethical question that is batted around does the motivation of the fear of hell or the promise of heaven make one moral? Many say no. You see fear or an award does not too many in the final analysis make you moral. It merely makes you a survivor. The moral person is someone who will do good even when there is no promise of reward and is willing to take the potential horrible consequences of his/her actions. I will live my values in hell or as some Holocaust survivor ethicists have proclaimed in a holocaust camp because I am a moral human. Now that is some pretty tough stuff. And to be frank to live like that takes an unusual strength. And to me that is the final reason I do not try to force my morality unto others. It can be hell to follow your values and I believe everyone should have the free will to choose what hell they want to live in. Or to put it another way everyone should have the right to choose the heaven they want to thrive in.
1993 is the date that our country no longer had a white Anglo Saxon Protestant majority. In the last two years white Christians are no longer a majority in our country and in 2042 whites will no longer be a majority. The ground is shifting. WASPs are losing their identity not because they are no longer in the majority but because they have abandoned their values to try to stay in power. And the irony of this is this attempt to stay in power will be their undoing. The strong will always eventually fall. Their ideals do not have to if they adhere to the best of their traditions. But the WASPs are trying to take the kingdom by force and in so doing will find themselves on the sidelines as the new majority begins to sort out what their identity will be. The WASPs have abandoned all of the precepts of the Social Gospel and replaced it with a new form of Social Darwinism. In essence the science hating right wing evangelicals have replaced a gospel with a theory of science. And even more grimace inducing is that Darwin rejected Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is an effort to apply the evolutionary concept of natural selection to human society adapted by Herbert Spencer. The use of this theory has been debunked more than once over the years but has been refurbished by such atheist writers as Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand a darling of House Speaker Paul Ryan and others. WASPs are now using a debunked social theory to interpret the Gospel to justify actions to maintain themselves in power. The theory especially as honed by Rand says the rest of the world should get out of the way of the wealthy and let them have total control. The poor are holding back the wealthy from making this a great country. Therefore the poor who are not measuring up to WASP standards must be punished or done away with by cutting insurance programs such as Social Security, Unemployment, or Healthcare. They also want to cut programs that assist others who are not prospering in the world’s richest country by cutting food stamps, subsidized housing, daycare, education, and the list goes on. As far as immigrants go they only want the proven best from other countries and no one from shithole countries. And as far as those already in our country we do not want the immigrants without citizenship no matter how long they have lived here. They are not part of the WASP plan for greatness. The survival of the fittest cannot work if we are infiltrated with inferior groups. This is why abortion rights and birth control must be denied or controlled. In fact there is a movement in the evangelicals for families to have as many babies as possible to stem the unwashed tide of non-Christian births. This movement has had the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Al Mohler, promoting it. The WASPs want to be sure that no WASP fetuses are killed or are prevented by birth control because of the declining birthrate of WASPs. They need all hands on deck. Trump brings something new to the Social Darwinism. He brings us a foreign policy based on Social Darwinism. Why do you think he has a penchant for relating well to strong dictator types? They are the model of a foreign policy based on Social Darwinism. Democracies give too much power to the common citizen. Strong dictatorship type leadership allows the fittest to rule and control events. This also effects how we deal with our allies. Alliances and trade pacts must be in our favor because we cannot let lesser countries take us down. We according to this theory should not have alliances where the parties rely on us but instead they should assist us in becoming great. Of course this attitude at home and abroad leaves the WASPs vulnerable to the Julius Cesar effect: Where all the minorities and former allies eventually see you as a threat to their well-being and in effect agree to put you out of your misery. These and many other tactics such as gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, citizens united decision, and so on are the way the WASPs are clinging to power. But all these tactics are only slowing down the eventual tide of a country that WASPs will no longer have control. And the irony remains these tactics are going to be the death of WASP ideology having much influence in our country. You see the very social gospel of welcoming the stranger in their midst, our obligation to the powerless and poor, democracy, freedom of religion not state ordained religion, leaving personal decisions as much as possible to the individual conscience is and has been the strength of the WASP ‘way’. All of this will remain but because the WASPs are currently found too often on the other side of these issues they will no longer receive credit for them in our society. As our current president has tweeted on many occasions this is so SAD. The dishonesty of it all. Jeff Sessions who was said by no less than Coretta Scott king to be a racist and unfit to be a federal judge is now our bible quoting Attorney General. President Trump who cheated on his previous wives, speaks about grabbing pussy in private, had a porn star paid off, is now given permission to talk about women’s rights. Rudy Guliani who like Trump has had three wives cheated on all of them pronounces a porn star has no credibility. Guliani who also brought a girlfriend into the city hall while wife number two was still living there. Guiliani who was recently seen in a bar waving a handkerchief over his head with multiple women. Still Guliani wants us to accept him as moral sexual arbitrator. This is the new America. Trump who has cheated his contractors, declared bankruptcy five times, had to settle a lawsuit over his fraudulent Trump University, illegally paid fines on his Mar largo resort from his charitable foundation wants us to think he is a Christian and a good business man. He separates children from their parents at the border and then because of immense pressure folds and signs an executive order to keep them together. He did this after telling the public quite piously there is nothing I can do it’s the Democrats fault. But do not think he has gone all humanitarian on us guess where he wants to keep them together, wait for it: in jail. And for the families he has already separated he is not making any real effort to reunite them. The problem is apparently when you reach a certain level of narcissism and privilege you no longer have to feel shame. Shame is for us middle class slugs. They of the dishonest ilk inform us of what we are to feel guilty about. Remember when drug addict and three wives Rush Limbaugh attacked a college kid for using birth control. Or the anti-choice congressman who lambastes people who have or give abortions suggested to his pregnant lover (he was married) she have an abortion. It is a strange time indeed. In fact it is times like these which requires a Marquis de Sade. His writings were indeed sexually explicit. But the point of his writings were that while the religious, economic and political elite require almost Puritanical lives by the non-elites they live like Caligula on steroids. When will we have moral leaders or at least ones who will not lie to us again? I do not know. To be honest most leaders are not necessarily the most moral. And if they are like Jimmy Carter we make fun of his sweaters, not drinking alcohol in the White House, his lust in his heart etc. Maybe we have never come to terms who we really are as a country. We forcibly stole our land from the Indians and Mexicans. We took the children of the Japanese Internment prisoners, Native Americans, Slaves, and now Mexicans seeking asylum at our borders from them. We put Native Americans on reservations and Jim Crowed Blacks. We even had our moment of Imperialism in Cuba, Phillippines, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other places. Our greatness has been built on many immoral deeds. Yet to say this out loud is to be Un-American. The dishonesty and our many questionable past deeds are a part of who we are. The fact that we continue to deny it or become upset when someone brings it up is why we are where we are today. I believe the first step to recovery from greed, racism and power is to admit we are powerless to deal with it. Without this first step we will remain addicted to the sins of our fathers. |
September 2022
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