I just heard Rush Limbaugh say political correctness is or is going to kill us all. Wow! My parents would be totally astounded that good manners would be the death of us all. I mean if only I had knew that when my father insisted I use Sir and Ma’am for my elders or face his wrath (something no one wanted to do) I could have stated but Dad I am only trying to preserve America. When my mother insisted certain four letter words were not to be spoken I could have insisted I am a patriot Mom I do not have time for you policing my speech. Or when they told me the N-word was not polite and would either hurt my black friends or anger them I could have said but Mom someone needs to stand up for freedom of speech. Or when I was taught when to use Miss, MS. Or Mister I could have told my women friends to get a grip. Then of course when they told me to treat everyone with respect and let the actions of a person determine how you deal with them not the color of their skin or what clothes they were able to afford I should have reported them to the Committee on Un-American Activities. Or when one of my first dates said I can open the door for myself I should have placed her under citizen’s arrest ( I did not open doors for her and I think I scored more points than about anything else I did). I have to say Rush I have found political correctness valuable to making friends and influencing people. I never found politeness such a dangerous thing and that is what political correctness ultimately is. People say they want to be treated a certain way or have certain titles used when addressing them and you showing them the respect to treat them the way they have asked to be treated. I mean if a feminazi says she prefers to be called a feminist I respect that right. If a turban head asked to be called Sikh I respect that. If someone prefers to not be held under suspicion when they have done nothing to cause suspicion I am okay with that. Where I come from that is called good ole Southern Hospitality. Of course if you spend your day calling the President stupid and acting as though all lslamic extremists are the norm for Muslims I could see you having trouble with political correctness. Having listened to you now for over twenty years I guess political correctness would impede your style of name calling and provoking anyone who disagrees with you. As I remember there is an old saying that used to mean something, If you do not have anything good to say about someone do not say it. The corollary statement to this would be if you cannot say anything that does not offend someone do not say it. You see as you say often on your show, Rush, language matters except when you are talking apparently. Now you say political correctness prevents us from reporting the bad activities of another because we are afraid of the political correctness police. Au contraire (sissy liberals use French phrases like this, if I was someone of your persuasion I would say Fuck that you French speaking sissy) I think if a liberal is afraid of reporting something awry it is because they are afraid they may be thinking like you. Conservatives do not report because as you have taught them they do not trust the government or it is too incompetent to do anything. Which of course they are only following your mantra that you have so diligently repeated to your listeners over the years. Political correctness could be helpful in your marriage for example if someone states but they want to take away a flag that represents my ancestors and a rebellious government now that’s political correctness gone mad. I say fly the flag, just not on property that is held by the government from which it rebelled. Which the last time I checked all states, cities and counties have agreed to follow the constitution of the United States. So flying the flag on their property would be impolite. Just as it would be impolite for me to keep my old girlfriends pictures hanging in my wife’s and my bedroom. I proclaimed to the world that she won the battle for my heart. Those pictures are not on the wall but go in the photo album in the back of the closet. Believe me I am a lot better off not hanging those pictures. See how simple political correctness is. And as a bonus you survive. So in conclusion I declare this National Political Correctness Awareness Week your marriage may depend on it.
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